STB2019 Planning Commission
STB2019 Planning Commission Update: The committee continues to meet monthly to focus on the 4 key priorities introduced in the May 1 St. Boniface Bulletin, Shepherd’s Notes page.
Facilities – This group has identified deterioration to three areas of the church that requires immediate attention. Bids/ proposals are being obtained by contractors and will be presented to the committee.
Communications –There needs to be consistency and completeness in the information we gather and disseminate to the parish. We need to expand our use of social media. The parish website needs to be updated by removing dated information and making it easier to navigate. The goal is for a new website to be ready this fall.
Long Range Financials – Preliminary recommendations and a five-year plan have been presented and will be refined as more information is received from the Facilities subcommittee on the bids/proposals.
150th Celebration & History – The group continues to explore ideas for the year of celebration.