
We encourage you to prayerfully reflect on God’s generosity in your life and to commit to nurturing and sharing the gifts you have received. Our theme of this year’s stewardship series is a focus on hospitality to ensure all members and visitors recognize a sense of belonging in our parish.

St. Boniface is blessed with a significant number of ministries and opportunities for involvement. Becoming more involved in sharing time and talent will not only contribute to the overall strength of our parish, it will foster a greater sense of connection to the larger parish family.

Thank you to everyone who already participates in a ministry. As you interact with others in our parish community, you may consider inviting them to participate alongside you. Sometimes a direct invitation makes all the difference.

We are truly grateful to the many who generously share their spiritual gifts for the good of St. Boniface Parish. We pray that God will inspire each of us to open our minds and hearts to the call of stewardship, so we can continue to build the Body of Christ and bring God’s love and compassion to all.

Virtual Ministry Fair

Adult Faith Formation


Big-Bona Raffle

Breakfast Ministry

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children's Stewardship

Daughters of Isabella

Golf Tournament


Lectio Devina


Quilting Ministry

Respect Life

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

St. Fiacre Gardeners

The Code Men's Group

Visitation Ministry

Youth Ministry